easily generate docs and playground for your RESTful API


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Annotation on an exposed rest service class

Here is an example on how to use JSONDoc annotations on your controller classes:

package org.jsondoc.sample.controller;

import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.Api;

@Api(name = "city services", description = "Methods for managing cities")
public class CityApi {
        // ...

This is the minimum required to let JSONDoc know that there is an API to be documented. You can enrich the documentation by using other annotations:

package org.jsondoc.sample.controller;

import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.Api;

@Api(name = "city services", description = "Methods for managing cities", group = "Geography")
@ApiVersion(since = "1.0", until = "2.12")
public class CityApi {
        // ...

Annotations for exposed methods of a rest service class

Here is an example on how to use JSONDoc annotations on your api methods:

package org.jsondoc.sample.controller;

import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiError;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiErrors;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiMethod;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiParam;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiResponseObject;
import org.jsondoc.core.pojo.ApiVerb;

// ...

        path = "/city/get/{name}",
        description = "Gets a city with the given name, provided that the name is between sydney, melbourne and perth",
        produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE },
        consumes = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE }
public @ApiResponseObject City getCityByName(@ApiPathParam(name = "name", description = "The city name") String name) {
        // ...


  • When verb is not specified, the resulting will be GET
  • When response status code is not specified, the resulting will be 200
  • If path is not specified in @ApiMethod, then an error will be shown in the JSONDoc UI and the playground will not work
  • If produces is not specified in @ApiMethod, then a warning will be shown in the JSONDoc UI, but the playground may still work
  • If description is not specified in @ApiMethod, then an hint will be shown in the JSONDoc UI, suggesting to add it for a more meaningful documentation
  • If name is not specified in @ApiPathParam, then an error will be shown in the JSONDoc UI and the playground will not work
  • If description in @ApiPathParam is not specified, then an hint will be shown in the JSONDoc UI, suggesting to add it for a more meaningful documentation

Also in this case you can enrich the documentation by using annotation properties and other annotations:

package org.jsondoc.sample.controller;

import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiError;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiErrors;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiMethod;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiParam;
import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.ApiResponseObject;
import org.jsondoc.core.pojo.ApiVerb;

// ...

        path = "/city/get/{name}",
        verb = ApiVerb.POST,
        description = "Gets a city with the given name, provided that the name is between sydney, melbourne and perth",
        produces = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE },
        consumes = { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE },
        group = "Geography",
        responsestatuscode = "201 - Created"
@ApiAuthBasic(roles = {"ROLE_USER", "ROLE_ADMIN"}, testusers = {@ApiAuthBasicUser(username = "user", password = "123456")})
        @ApiHeader(name="api_id", description="The api identifier")
        @ApiError(code="2000", description="City not found"),
        @ApiError(code="9000", description="Illegal argument")
public @ApiResponseObject City getCityByName(@ApiParam(name="name", description="The city name", allowedvalues={"Melbourne", "Sydney", "Perth"}) String name) {
        // ...

See the annotations page for more info about other annotations' properties that can make the documentation richer.

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